Monday, December 24, 2007

La Casa Fantom

Outside of Norway, La Casa Fantom get very little love. I get the impression that they either are not out to build a fan-base, or they simply don't expect to find one. The latter notion is ridiculous after one listens to this duo's product, which is a brilliant concoction of hyper-chaotic hardcore mixed with interludes of ambient rock and punk. Nay-sayers who do not respect the bass as a driving force in rock music forms may find one of their feet forcefully inserted in their mouths. Bard Spiller's bass chord alchemy is mesmerizing, and the melodies that sneak through the cracks of the unholy distortion are enough to seal the trap of any bass skeptic. There is an emotive quality here too, complements of Spiller's crafty use of dissonance at the absolute perfect moment, and his equally uncanny ability to turn it off before the effect becomes too commonplace. And let's hear it for all the drummers out there! More specifically, let's hear it for Lars Spiller, who creates, tames, and agitates again the chaos this band is known for, with all the precision of a schizophrenic octopus. The sound these two create is engrossing, and after all is done, it is hard to believe they manage to provide vocals too, considering the work their minds and bodies must be engaged in during performances (there's a video on their site to prove that they can do it all!). The vocals consist of hoarse screams, which match the music, but in the end it's the musicianship that stays with you.
La Casa Fantom has released quite a few records, and will be releasing another one in coming months. You may be able to obtain their records directly from them, so visit their site. Below are some rips of two records I managed to get my mitts on. Check 'em out! But keep an open mind, etc., etc...

1 comment:

Arxelaos said...

Awesome! Thnaks!