Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Song of the Week: "First Step" (Jawbreaker)

Some summer vacations are about adventure and getting into trouble; this one is all about R'nR-- drinking it all in and convincing time to go a little bit slower. "First Step" is yet another (the 3rd) Jawbreaker Song of the Week, but it seemed so perfect and mentions two things I associate with leisure time: bikes and coffee (one I would like to do more of, the other less). Beer is not mentioned, but there's plenty of SOTW slots for those kind of songs.

"First Step" (Jawbreaker)

** Be sure to pick up a copy of the re-press of "Unfun"!

1 comment:

Wooderson said...

I myself did pick up the reissue of Unfun and it brought back plenty of good memories. Jawbreaker is always great anytime of the year.