Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Crime Against Humanity

The download "revolution" may be exciting, but it always sucks to see good people become casualties. For the last few years, Crimes Against Humanity Records has been helping me fill my record bins with their amazing service, record selection, and prices. I know, I sound like a fucking commercial, but it's true-- Nick and company have put out great records and have provided an outstanding distro service. Sadly, he is considering closing up shop due to lack of support. He's having a sale to save the label, so if you have any extra scratch, check out the CAH distro and send some of it his way (you're bound to find something you like). The label also just released the new End of All (ex- Wolfpack) CD, which should kick serious ass, and were responsible for putting out Remains of the Day and To What End's CDs among many others. I know this isn't a noble save-the-whales or end genocide campaign, but it's something tangible that we can do to strengthen the tenuous framework of our little music community. Support 'em if you can!

Here's a 34 track sampler CD Crimes Against Humanity Records was sending out free with orders not too long ago featuring Uncurbed, Nashgul, Desolate Void, Illdad, Cripple Bastards, Skrupel, Massmörd, Hellshock, Diskonto, Wartorn, To What End?, Beyond Description, Remains of the Day, Wolfpack, Extinction of Mankind, Misery...



7inchcrust said...

Sad to hear this but things are getings worse in general:vinyl prices have risen up to 1 or 2 euro because of the oil price rising and the downloading has its part of responsibility in growing the problem of not buying. the whole discussion about downloading is irrelevant since millions of mp3 are being downladed everyday. so the only thing we can do (speaking about blogging,) is to NOT post records still in print. unfortunately there are blogs doing that...

Icky said...

Always dug this sampler as well, great post once again!