Would anyone else like to join Strangeranger and me on a pensive amble down memory lane? My musical diet of the 1990's consisted of a weird Smörgåsbord of bay area pop punk, European crust, US powerviolence, and whacked out, screamy DIY bands like the ones on the "God's Chosen People" comp. In fact, "G'sCP" was one of the earliest bits of exposure I had to the avant nuttiness of the whole HeartattaCk-Old Glory-Gravity situation. I still love half the bands on this thing, and lucky for me, they're mainly the bands whose tracks were collected later in some form or another. Yep... lots of memories, and the love and abuse I've given to this comp over the years is evident in the condition of the vinyl. I cheated a little on a couple of tracks and just ripped them from discography CD's; but the whole imbroglio of naked, flailing bodies and disenfranchised, idealistic minds is still here, both in the tunes and within the pages of the stunning booklet.
HereBands & Tracks:
This is a great compilation. Comps like this with bands that I loved (Merel, Iconoclast) introduced me to new bands and gave a chance to hear bands I had heard of but not heard. This is what comps were all about for me in the early 1990s. Networking my record collection. Viva this.
That cover of 21st Century Schizoid Man is one of my all time favorite songs. Excited to hear what their splitmates offer.
Yeah man. The cover of Degenerated makes me laugh every time I hear it. Hysterical intro!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! The first time I heard the Puzzlehead song, I was just confused. But, yeah, after that to this day if fuckin' cracks me up!
He he. Easily the best Greyhouse song!
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