This is easily my favorite Cattle Press record. How could it not be with such a profane miasma of sour, dense chords gushing from the amps, and screams shrill enough to shake you from your stale purgatory of a life. I'm not sure if this 7" is properly called "Cattle Press" or "Silence," but there it is above, and the track list is below...
1. Silence
2. Uprising Embodiment In Serenity
3. The Hole Is Home
Here (@ 320 kbps)
Fuck yes. Definitely their best record.
Yes I agree their best slab! I had a record by them and it never really wow'd me that much. I seen them at one of the "Fiesta Grandes" that Slap A Ham used to put on in the 90's and then I was a full on believer, serious ear damage!
Oh, also, i believe the actual title of the record is "Showered in the Love of the Abhorer".
Another awesome post. My whole record collection will be digital in another couple months of titles like this :) Very greatful for your work here sir. Any chance of you posting an Absinthe record? I'm looking for this one specifically.
Anon.- The "Fiesta Come Alive" comp was my first intro to CP! Never saw them live, though; bummer.
Lloyd- I saw that phrase and wasn't sure if that was the title. I'll go with your theory; thanks as always!
Jake- glad to hook you up! I'll eventually post some Absinthe, including that EP. I don't know when, though, 'cause currently I only have their 10". I'll get that 7" somehow!
Thanks dude. this is an invaluable service you do here.
hey man.....do you have,by any chance...those 2 tracks....IABHORHER ''processed bliss''(from step on crack vol.2 LP-gokart recs) and CATTLEPRESS ''leech.give me your pretty face.'' (from una de gata 2x 7'' comp-teepee) if yeah you should upload em.....they're impossible to find and the only worthy tracks on either comps
Sadly I have neither. As always, I'll try to search them out, but no guarantees. Thanks for providing the comp titles, that should help out a lot.
allright,,,,if you wanna send me yer email address,I can send ya the Absinthe 7''. The teepee comp. w/Cattlepress complete title is ''una de gato,cuerno de vaca''. Thanx for the great job man.Cheers from Quebec!!!!
Excellent! Actually, I ended up finding the Absinthe 7" a while back, and posted it. Thanks anyway...
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