Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kiss The Goat

Here's a split LP that's done some seat time on my table since about 1995. It's a pretty vicious piece, beginning with Ottawa-- the Tolkien-worshipping grind monster started by members of Current, and future members of Dearborn SS, Nema, and Calvary. Cacophonous is the word here, like a crustier, rawer Brutal Truth. Now, upon listening to side B after some years, I've come to believe Jihad could really have benefited from a better guitar sound. The tracks consist of some rockin' mid-paced metallic hardcore and are pretty crushing once you get used to the flat production. Bands like Enewetak, Gehenna, and Unruh really took this style and fucked it up in a good way. Overall, this is a massive record that merits repeated and torturous listens. I'm not sure how long this link will be up as I just found out that Council Records will finally be reissuing the Ottawa 12" with remastered tracks!

Click it:



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Frank said...

The Ottawa side is a classic, Jihad not so much

Batguano said...

I pretty much agree with you, Frank... not quite classic, but pretty good.

Okay, this SPAM shit has got to stop!

Johnny Volume said...

That lp for Jihad was a bit of bummer compaierd the the 7"s which were amazing!

Batguano said...

I remember the eps fondly, but it's been years. I'll have to bust them out...

Wooderson said...

Awesome! I haven't heard this split in years yet I own the damn thing. The Ottawa side is stellar and brings back plenty of good memories.

By the way, I haven't forgotten about that Hatchet Face LP. I've just been living up to my name. It'll get there...sometime in 2009.


Bloody Kev said...

Yeah the Ottawa stuff is totally awesome, that record was never off my turntable when it came out.

I do quite like the Jihad side as well though.