Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Immoral Squad 7"

Some bands have that knack for conjuring immensely powerful ends from meager means. Discharge and Drop Dead come to mind, and are two prime reference points for describing the scant but unforgettable output of Quebec's Immoral Squad. It's all been done before and will be done again, but some bands just have that... power. Immoral Squad played simple and straight forward crustcore (before it was fashionable to do so), but with some added speed (not quite blast beats... more like the tempo of Siege or Luzifers Mob). So what sets them apart from the hordes? Power! I know it's abstract, but damn if these guys didn't have a ton of it, mainly due to a bulldozing guitar sound comparable to early Uranus (with whom they shared a split) or any of the bands mentioned above. And I can't leave here without mentioning the howling and crooning vocals... a virile mix of Discharge, early Boston hardcore, Ripcord, etc. This is hardcore at its most visceral and unrepentant; don't ponder too much, just...

1 comment:

slowcat69 said...

Just posted their newest LP. Blows this stuff away IMO.